You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.
,Many have been asking about this in the internet and some have been striving to know if you really need to get an Auto Insurance when they buy a new car and we have finally brought an answer and solution to your problem
If you're at the automobile dealership and want to buy a car and immediately drive it home, call your agent from the dealership. Give the agent all the necessary information over the telephone, and the agent will issue an insurance binder that is effective immediately. This binder will serve as your insurance policy for the new car until your agent can add the new car to your existing policy.If you know ahead of time the exact car you're going to buy, you can call your insurance agent with the information. After asking you several questions and getting all the necessary information, the agent will add the new car to your existing insurance policy.
If you do not have an insurance agent, the car dealer may be able to refer you to one. Chances are, though, that the agent will not insure you over the telephone. Most agents require that you visit them in person to fill out an application and put down a deposit. The best thing to do is to establish a relationship with an insurance agent before you buy a car. This is to your advantage, as the agent will have time to research the best markets for you.
Never drive a car without insurance. If you were in an accident and had no insurance, you could quickly be in severe financial and legal trouble. If you cannot get your new car insured right away, leave the car at the dealership. Get the insurance as soon as you can and then go pick up your car.
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